Senior Citizens World

Do you have Sleep Problems
30% of Americans have chronic sleep problems !
36% of Americans get as little as 5 hours sleep at night !
this leads to brain fog, memory loss, irritability

The reasons why people have sleep problems

Stress and Anxiety

In today’s world of work pressures, COVID, Cost Of Living Crisis . Are you  stressed to the limit and its is have a detrimental affects on your sleep.

Senior Citizen’s Sleep Problems

Many Senior Citizens experience very poor sleep due to physical and mental health issues, medications, changes in lifestyle, and environmental factors.

Depression and Mental Health Problems

It is estimated that 21% of Americans have suffered a depressive episode in 2021

Some of the effects of of this Sleep Crisis in the US

Lack of sleep can some major health problems like:
1- type 2 diabetes
2- heart disease
3- depression

What are some herbs and foods that can improve your sleep patterns

Magnesium mineral

Magnesium minerals are important for muscle and nerve function, key role in relaying signals between brain and body, relaxes, reduces anxiety, improves sleep.

Goji fruit

Goji fruit-promotes neuroplasticity, improves quality of sleep, ease of awakening, mental acuity, calmness, and feelings of happiness.

Ashwagandha herb

Ashwagandha herb-powerful herbal adaptogen fights stress, promotes restful sleep, improves brain function, memory and concentration


Chronoboost Pro

Chronoboost Pro contains a proprietary formula consisting of a group of essential sleep, energy and memory supporting antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and herbs, based on decades of nutritional space science and on hundreds of years of traditional Maori herbal wisdom.

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